The Great Deception

Written by Neil Silverberg

July 21, 2017

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  1. Ray Cleghorn

    Thanks Neil for a very good article. Your explanation of the difference in transforming grace and saving grace should hopefully help many people see the error of, and avoid, this false theology that has become prominent in much of the modern Church.

    • Neil Silverberg

      Great to hear from you Ray. How are you and Sharon? Thanks for the encouragement.

  2. Charles Strohmer

    “There is a responsibility implied in the receiving of grace.” John Peck, British pastor and theologian

    • Neil Silverberg

      Thanks Charles for the simple but true reminder from brother Peck

  3. Bill Robinson

    Amen, “If a tree doesn’t bear fruit…”

  4. Keith Schooley

    Really excellent balance in this discussion, Pastor Neil. Can I also add that Hebrews 12:14 comes on the heels of the Hall of Faith in chapter 11, in which every person on the list, by faith, did something. This is a motley crew of characters, many of whom have abundant sins recorded in the Hebrew scriptures and absolutely needed God’s grace. But God allowed them to accomplish great things for his glory, because their faith produced action.

  5. Todd Lippe

    Wonderful. This is easy to understand and captivating from the beginning. Thank you for posting

  6. Benny Knight

    Awesome! I so agree! Love you my brother!???

    • Neil Silverberg

      Thanks Benny. Great to hear from you!

  7. Patrick Franey

    Neil, appreciate this article. Well put.

    • Neil

      Thank you very much for your comments.

  8. Carol Tomljanovich

    Great word! It is so easy for Christians to be deceived by the cares and entanglements of the world we live in. You encourage us to seek first the Kingdom of God and be transformed by the renewing (daily) of our minds which leads to fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives—and that’s how we become “world changers.”

  9. Kim Deane

    “But holiness is more than ceasing from certain activities; it is taking great pleasure in God and his word.”

    Thank you for this…I dont think I have ever heard this explanation for holiness so succintly before. Very life-giving if one has been raised in a church/home where holiness/moralityit is a “don’t do these things” message.

  10. Attie Kühn

    Let us not forget the Words of God in John 3:3-8. To be born from above by water and Spirit. That can only happen if the believer is obedient in word and deed to Christ in all matters that He taught His Apostles re Matt 28:19. The Law is excluded by Acts 15 and the said Scriptures.

  11. Rose Waddell

    Good Word Brother!


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