Jonathan Edwards And His Resolutions

Jonathan Edwards And His Resolutions

With the dawning of each New Year, it is natural that our minds drift towards the potential the next 365 days may hold for us. Things we had every intention of accomplishing last year and that were all but given up on by midyear, now challenge us to take hold of...
Sola Gratia (Grace Alone)

Sola Gratia (Grace Alone)

The Reformers also taught and proclaimed that salvation was by grace alone. Why is this sola so important? There are several reasons, but the main one is that it distinguishes the Gospel from every other religion on the face of the earth. For the Gospel is the great...
The Blessings of Common Grace

The Blessings of Common Grace

“Who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe.” I Timothy 4:10 We all watched with horror and sadness as Hurricane Harvey devastated the Texas coast. Thousands of people were displaced by the power of this storm, and the damage is widespread. Let our...
Is the Reformation Over?

Is the Reformation Over?

A good friend called me yesterday to remind me this year marks the 500th year birthday of the Protestant Reformation. Though already aware, when he said it I realized I had not reflected on that fact over the course of this year. Later that day, I listened to some...
The Great Deception

The Great Deception

“Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14 There is a great deception in the land today. It is the notion that men and women, upon death or at the Lord’s Coming, can glance upon the Holy One, having...