Counseling or Counselor?

Written by Neil Silverberg

April 18, 2017

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  1. Margaret Wunschl

    Excellent word, as always, Neil. I might guess which elder you are referring to. I agree 100%. The Lord always gives the best advice! No one knows us better than Him.

  2. Cindy

    I can’t speak for anyone but myself. But going to a therapist has literally saved my life. I needed that safety I needed someone educated not only with the word of God. With wisdom about our minds and our family of origin or triggers or hurts and hangups. I need to understand addiction divorce and so many other things . I’m all for secular counseling to help me with my mind. I know Jesus can do that he does do that. But I needed to be able to hear it in a different way still seems to equal the same thing. But I believe with all my heart that pastors should not be counseling. Most have not even went to an accredited university. I feel that I can do much damage but that’s just my opinion .

  3. Matthew Bailey

    This is encouraging! We have all things which pertain to life and godliness in Christ Jesus!

  4. Shiloh Christie

    A have pastor friend that preaches and functions on the following principles on the subject of counseling. Before listening to a person he asks them what there spiritual walk has been like with the Lord lately. How much time is spent in prayer and reading the Word of God. So much is revealed to the “counselor” and to the “counselee” when this is answered truthfully and received without judgment. This pastor says there is a direct relationship between prayer life and counseling. When prayer life increases, counseling decreases and vice versa. Want to decrease counseling needs in the Body? Then teach and exhort on increasing committed prayer and hearing the voice of the Lord. That being said, Cindy I hear you. I believe that there is a time and season for professional counseling in people’s lives. Brother Neil, great topic, rich teaching here. Thank you again.

  5. Shiloh Christie

    Lol, didn’t see there was more to the article. Looks like I just repeated similar thoughts/teachings. Well so much for my 2 cents. ?

  6. Hal

    I wonder how the pastor, elders or members would help someone with OCD or eating disorders, etc? I believe, and taught, the fundamentals of Christian Counseling. I was an early member of NANC and strongly support their perspective. I would prefer to send a believer to a Christian therapist than a secular one.


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