The Great Offense

Written by Neil Silverberg

April 11, 2017

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  1. Dennis Stricklin

    Very interesting word. I also believe that “drawing” is not always there forever either. It is wise to respond immediately if you feel the tug on your heart by the Holy Spirit. The voice gets softer and softer until it is no longer there.

  2. Dwight Michael

    Great commentary on this devine insight.

  3. Jane Albright

    I can not imagine a world without the Holy Spirit drawing mankind, I believe God draws all men unto Himself, man has free will. If it were not so, someday a grievance may arise, in the way God set His plan; No grievance can occur. I am just so content to not consider another’s call, I just tell of what Jesus has done, for me, and invite others to Him, whether they respond doesn’t matter so much to me. I’m not the Lord of the Harvest… nor the reaper of souls. I am too concerned with my own walk and relationship with God. Just working toward knowing Him so well; when the time comes there will be no need for introductions.

  4. Jane Albright

    brilliant light this is though thank you

  5. Margaret D

    Praise God it is the can NOT’s’ that first drew me and keep me crawling into the lap of my Heavenly Father. ‘Can’ then is used in my life when it it in conjunction with ‘through’. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. No really……things that I can not do due to my lack of ability, weakness and fear, He does in and through me, and I do in and through Him!


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