Shadows and Substance Released

Written by Neil Silverberg

December 17, 2021

Shadows & Substance: The Truth About Jewish Roots and Christian Believers is now on Amazon and available in print and Kindle formats. This long-awaited release is among the most comprehensive studies into the Jewish Roots Movement. By examining historical and theological origins of the Christian church.

A rapidly growing worldwide movement, Hebrew Roots promises to help believers (especially non-Jewish believers) discover their Hebrew (Jewish) roots.  However, while promising to bring followers to their Jewish roots, they instead bring them into Old Testament law-keeping. The unfortunate end result is that this denies the truth of the gospel and the life-giving power to be set free.

This is the fifth book for Neil Silverberg, whose ministry spans five decades. Neil was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania into a conservative Jewish family. He was radically saved in his late teens while living with his family in Miami, Florida. His Jewish heritage coupled with his dedication to biblical study, contribute to his unique ability to illuminate the Old Testament as the basis for understanding the New.

Neil Silverberg is uniquely qualified to write this important study because of his Jewish heritage, as well as his nearly fifty years studying both the Old and New Testament. Neil says, “From the moment of my conversion, I developed a voracious appetite for Holy Scripture and theological works. As a result, I have a good grasp of the main contours of theology, not to mention a familiarity with Church History.”

Neil was called into full-time ministry soon after his conversion. He has served as Senior Pastor, Bible teacher, author, and co-founder of Masterbuilders, an organization that provides leadership training and church oversight to a network of New Testament churches throughout the U.S. You can learn more about Neil Silverberg’s life and ministry on this site.

Neil says about his early ministry years, “I was involved for a short time with Messianic Jewish congregations. As a Jew, it was assumed that all Jews should work with Messianic Jewish congregations. But the more I studied the New Testament, the further convinced I became that Jews should not remain outside the Church but unite with Gentile believers to express the reality of “one new man” (Ephesians 2:15). It was then I determined God called me to work in the Church. During this time of working with churches, I have been able to think through some of the theology of this proposed work.”

“In my relationship to various churches, I have had the opportunity to help protect them from unbiblical HRM teachers and teaching. I also debated HRM teachers and learned how to respond to their claims to represent a movement which restores the Church to the true Gospel. Through this involvement, I developed an appreciation for those aspects of HRM teaching I can agree with, as well as bring clarity to address the issues when they are at variance with the Gospel. Therefore, I feel well prepared to address the issues in this book due to my biblical and theological training, as well as personal experience with the HRM. More and more churches and church leaders have asked me for help dealing with extreme HRM teaching and the divisiveness it often brings.”

More About the Book

The concept for this book came from ministry to churches dealing with the HRM movement. Shadows and Substance, carefully examines this movement in both its theological and practical aspects covering such topics as:

  •   Did Emperor Constantine make changes to the Hebrew roots of the faith?
  •   What did the Jerusalem Conference establish regarding believers and the Law?
  •   Does God expect believers to keep the Sabbath and the Hebrew feasts?
  •   What is the difference between reconciliation to Old Testament Hebraic roots of the faith and those of rabbinic Judaism?

The end result is not only a helpful guide to understanding the Hebrew Roots Movement but also a powerful unfolding of the gospel of grace to keep believers free from any form of legalism.

This book was written for three audiences: those already deeply involved in the Movement, those interested in learning about the Jewish roots of their faith, and leaders who are charged with the responsibility of protecting God’s people from error.

Finally, here is what renown teacher and author Sam Storms says about Shadows and Substance,

“I’ve waited years for a book like this to be published. Neil Silverberg has provided
for us a thoroughly biblical
and pastorally wise evaluation of the Hebrew Roots
Movement that I can wholeheartedly endorse. He tethers
his conclusions to the Word
of God and demonstrates the life-transforming glory of how Jesus Christ is the

fulfillment of the Old Testament.

While contending that the HRM is a dangerous trend among many today, he does
so with pastoral concern and
a love for both the Old Testament and the Jewishness
of Jesus. If you’ve encountered people in the HRM and
are confused by their claims,
this book is for you.”

—Sam Storms, PhD
Bridgeway Church, Oklahoma City, OK

Whether you have a hunger for church history, the Bible, or leading believers to the truth, you will find Shadows and Substance a rich treasure.

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