This series seeks to understand how God intends for believers to deal with what has been deemed an epidemic in our culture; that of codependency. This has been branded a social disorder which makes people dependent on others for their well-being. In the Scriptures, this is never treated as a disease or disorder but as “idolatry”—placing our confidence and trust in human beings rather than the living God. This is the perfect series to invite those who have struggled in relationships or who have been crippled by rejection and the fear of man. This biblical exposition will provide the basis for living a life that is free from the fear of man so that we can “need people less” so that we can “love them more.”
Week 1: People- Our Idol of Choice
In this teaching, we learn the Gospel way of being delivered from the fear of man so that we can need people less in order to love them more. This first message discusses the codependency vs. truly having God at the center of our lives.
Week 2: Who Told You, You Were Naked?
The underlying problem that leads to codependency or the real culprit is shame. This study is based on Gen. 3:7-13 and Isaiah 54:4-8.
Week 3: What Do You Really Need?
In part 3 of this series, we learn the Gospel solution to live free from the fear of man: finding fulfillment in a living relationship with God in which He is filling us constantly with his love so that we aren’t needing it from others.
Week 4: Conflict Provides Opportunity
Pastor Neil talks about an important aspect of this journey out of the fear of man: understanding how to navigate through relational conflict in a way that glorifies God.
Week 5: Guarding Against Offenses
Learn how to guard against offenses and how to handle them when they come.
Week 6: Divine Truth and the Fear of Man
Based on the scripture passage of John 8: 31-32 and John 12:41-43, we understand that the basis for what a believer recognizes as truth is based upon the Scripture.